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All publications tagged with Music


A unique piano
Piano Maene-Vinoly

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A unique piano

On 11 November, the Maene-Viñoly Concert Grand piano will be presented to the Belgian public for the first time, by Kirill Gerstein.

Sainte-Colombe, the Extraterrestrial
Lucile Boulanger

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Sainte-Colombe, the Extraterrestrial

On 6 November, Philippe Pierlot hands over the direction of the Ricercar Consort to Lucile Boulanger for a concert around Monsieur de Sainte-Colombe.

- By Luc Vermeulen

What's the story, Laurie?

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What's the story, Laurie?

Composer, visual artist, film-maker, writer, performance artist.... Laurie Anderson refuses to be pinned down to one particular art form.

- By Lotte Poté & Maarten Sterckx

A Belgian in Paris

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A Belgian in Paris

Although he was born in Belgium, more specifically in Liège, César Franck is annoyingly unknown to many today.

- By Maarten Sterckx

The freshness of Belgian Jazz

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The freshness of Belgian Jazz

This season's Belgian vintage is characterised by an authentic, uncomplicated approach, and by music bursting with atmospheres and textures.

- By Luc Vermeulen

Dvořák & Janáček: two icons of Czech music

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Dvořák & Janáček: two icons of Czech music

Tsjechië is momenteel voorzitter van de Raad van de Europese Unie en Bozar brengt daarom enkele grote Tsjechische componisten voor het voetlicht.

- By Maarten Sterckx

7 clichés about classical music concerts
Franz Liszt at a concert in Berlin, 1842

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7 clichés about classical music concerts

You have never been to a classical music concert? To help you get an inkling of this fascinating world, we will tackle some common misconceptions.

- By Luc Vermeulen