Published on - Cedric Feys

5 Reasons to Come to Ars Musica

From 16 to 30 November, Ars Musica, the international biennale for new music, is hosted at Bozar. 5 reasons not to miss this festival.

1. Hear the voice as never before

Roomful of Teeth looks beyond the European classical singing tradition. The vocal ensemble learned from throat singers, yodelers, Broadway stars, Georgian and Sardinian folk singers and Death Metal frontmen, among others, and switches effortlessly between all these styles and techniques. Hear how vocals, whispers, murmurs, sighs and spoken word melt together in Caroline Shaw's Partita for 8 Voices, the piece that made her the youngest composer ever to win a Pulitzer Prize for Music.

2. Experience a string quartet marathon

Explore all the halls of Bozar during an afternoon devoted to string quartets. No less than 27 string quartets and 3 ensembles, from amateurs to seasoned professionals, pay tribute to the special tradition of the string quartet and play pieces from Kronos Fifty for the Future. Discover a brand new repertoire of 50 pieces, including works by Laurie AndersonPhilip Glass, Terry Riley and Tanya Tagaq. Kronos Quartet itself closes the day.

Kronos 50 For the Future © Olivier Donnet

3. Minimalism and more 

The legendary Kronos Quartet performs works by minimal music figureheads Reich and Riley. With Reich's Triple Quartet, you are treated to three string quartets for the price of one. As always, Kronos looks beyond the confines of genre. So expect work by Jlin as well as arrangements of Sun Ra and Nina Simone. Dream House Quartet also performs (post-)minimalist work and more (think Meredith Monk and Thom Yorke). Since 2018, renowned pianists Katia and Marielle Lebèque and guitarists David Chalmin and Bryce Dessner provide a unique sound.

4. 3x Bryce Dessner

You might know Bryce Dessner as the guitarist from The National, but he has been holding his own as a composer for a good few years now. During Ars Musica, Dessner will come to Bozar no less than three times. Following Dream House Quartet, the Brussels Philharmonic will perform three of his large-scale works. Also on the programme: a one-off collaboration between Dessner, the singer-songwriters This is The Kit and Mina Tindle as well as the ever-surprising Quatour Zaïde.

5. Discover new sounds

Caroline Shaw returns to Bozar. She sings with Sō Percussion and presents their new album Rectangles and Circumstance. Composer Tyondai Braxton, former frontman of experimental rock group Battles, also makes an appearance. With the brand new Vali, he provides an incantatory trip based on samples and electronics, exploring stillness and movement, space and contrast.