The cultural programme of the German Presidency of the EU Council is taking part in the Beethoven Year 2020, celebrating the composer’s 250th anniversary. With a broad range of transversal activities from all artistic disciplines, it will offer an exhibition, concerts, debates and much more.
The German presidency comes at a challenging time of re-starting our post-covid society, but also coincides with BOZAR’s artistic season focusing thematically on Art & Wellbeing. Hand and in hand with Ludwig van Beethoven, BOZAR will prepare for you a cultural antidote, a vaccine against the corona side effects, caring for our mental health and social well-being.
The German philosopher T. W. Adorno rightly described Beethoven’s music as “world theatre”, insisting that it is through his works – and thus the emotional power of listening – that Beethoven’s ideas were best understood. The programme entitled after the main exhibition HOTEL BEETHOVEN, will welcome you together with artists from all over the world!
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