6 → 10

BOZAR begins 2016 with 25 films in 5 days. During the BOZAR Cinema Days you can discover new independent films, avant-garde films, low-budget films, no-budget films, arthouse films, animation films, biopics and documentaries. We start the year with Carol, a Hollywood picture about a 1950s New York shop assistant (played by Cate Blanchett) who falls in love with a married woman. The films come from all over the world: from Sri Lanka by way of Belgium to France, where the director and actress Claire Simon hails from. During the Cinema Days she talks about her elegant cinematographic style which is somewhere between documentary and fiction. We put our money where our mouth is and screen her latest documentary Le bois dont les rêves sont faits (The Woods Dreams Are Made Of) (2015) which was this year selected for the Locarno Film Festival. We end the season in style with the great Russian filmmaker Aleksandr Sokoerov (Russian Ark, 2002). In his latest film Francofonia he explores the relationship between art and power through the eyes of a Frenchman and a German who work together to protect the art treasures of the Louvre. In the mood for a film? Then bring your friends and family along to the BOZAR Cinema Days.

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

PASS BOZAR CINEMA DAYS  => all the films except the opening film