‘Bach Heritage Festival’


For the second time running, the conductor Philippe Herreweghe is doing us the honour of being the curator of Bach Heritage, the festival dedicated to Bach’s music and the influence he had on the composers who followed him. The theme of this new edition is celebrations! A birthday concert specially dedicated to Philippe Herreweghe kicks off the festivities. Then talented musicians, including Herbert Schuch and Jean Rondeau, to whom BOZAR is dedicating a “portrait” this season, and a succession of renowned ensembles will perform in celebration of the Cantor de Leipzig and his immense contribution to the history of music.

On the occasion of the Bach Heritage festiva, BOZAR LITERATURE has asked a number of poets to write a poet on Bach for the publication of "Thirteen Ways of Looking at J.S. Bach".

Practical information

€ 396 - 316 - 224 - 131 

Pass & Friends
€ 356 - 285 - 202 - 118