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All publications tagged with Exhibitions


Els Dietvorst: This is what you came for
Els Dietvorst

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Els Dietvorst: This is what you came for

Headstrong and radical, Dietvorst seeks her own path in the art world. With the BelgianArtPrize, she now receives a major award for her committed work.

Imagine Ukraine

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Imagine Ukraine

Discover contemporary art from Ukraine – once one of the centres of early avant-garde, now a vital art scene.

Project Paleis, een eeuwfeest

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Project Paleis, een eeuwfeest

Ten artists participate in the celebrations by producing new work that reflects on what an arts centre such as Bozar can and should be today and tomorrow.

May is about Europe

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May is about Europe

4 tips for getting the varied programme of talks and debates into your diary.