Italian Cultural Institute


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For its third edition, the ITALIA IN DOC festival organised by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Bruxelles is once again portraying the present day and taking a fresh look at the past by way of the most memorable Italian documentaries of the past year. As with every edition, two prizes will be awarded: the public prize and the prize awarded by the jury, presided over by Jean Gili and made up of the general manager of INSAS Laurent Gross and the director Flo Flamme.

This year, a lot of documentaries deal with the theme of travel, be it real or metaphorical. There are those in which the protagonist arrives in Italy in search of a new beginning (Ibi), or in which he leaves it to set off in search of his roots (Talien). But documentaries can also be a journey through the history of cinema. This is the case with the film that Jean Rouch, one of the most important post-war ethnographers and filmmakers, filmed in Turin and of which we still have access to the ‘making of’ (L’Enigma di Jean Rouch a Torino. Cronaca di un film raté)….

Finally, the Festival will conclude with the screening of the national premiere of a recently rediscovered documentary by Ermanno Olmi, Il tentato suicidio nell’adolescenza (T.S. Giovanile), filmed in 1968.

Paolo Grossi

festival catalogue:

Practical information

Program @ BOZAR

19:00 IBI - Andrea Segre
20:30 Lievito Madre - Esmeralda Calabria & Concita De Gregorio

15:00 Il senso della bellezza - Valerio Jalongo
17:00 L’enigma di Jean Rouch a Torino - Cronaca di un film raté - Marco di Castri, Paolo Favaro & Daniele Pianciola
19:30 Remise des prix & Il tentato suicidio nell’adolescenza (T.S. Giovanile) - Ermanno Olmi