‘Hans/Jean Arp & Sophie Taeuber-Arp. Friends, Lovers, Partners’

20 Sept.'24 →
19 Jan.'25

Bozar dedicates a major exhibition to one of the most important artist couples: Hans/Jean Arp and Sophie Taeuber-Arp, two central figures of 20th-century abstract art. Throughout their careers, both artists challenged the hierarchies between the applied and fine arts. The diversity of their work – which includes painting, sculpture, textiles, design and literature – keeps them relevant to this day. Not only are their individual artistic creations remarkable, but also the works they realised together, from their first meeting in 1915 until Taeuber-Arp's early death in 1943.  This exhibition is a unique opportunity to discover Sophie Taeuber-Arp's colourful and geometric abstract work alongside Hans/Jean Arp's biomorphic forms, collages and sculptures.

Classical music

Electronic Music



Global Music

16 → 26

Opening Week

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Ravensteinstraat 23 1000 BRUSSELS



18 -

< 30 year

9 -

>65 year

16 -

< 18 year

2 -


0 -


0 -

Carte press / Perskaarten : VVJ, AJP, IFJ, API-IPA, AICA

0 -

Carte PROF | Leraren­kaart - Klasse

9 -

Brussels Card

0 -

Card : Preferential Reimbursement / EU Disability

9 -


0 -

Companion wheelchair

0 -

National Lottery Club

15 -

Thalys Club & Club +

9 -

Bozar Conseil d'Administration | Raad van Bestuur

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