‘YOUth Day (12-26)’

10 May'19
- 10:00

Interactive guided tour for secondary and higher education

Secondary education, higher education and academies (12>26)

On Friday 10th May, "YOUth Day" invites young people in secondary or higher education to discover two exhibitions during a free guided tour revolving around the themes of the portrait, relations between art and power and identity.

During the first part of the tour, guides will accompany the young people as they explore the exhibition on the Brussels master Bernard van Orley, a key figure in the Flemish Renaissance who headed one of the biggest workshops of his time. His portraits, to which the exhibition pays particular homage, are a valuable testimony to the major humanist and political figures of his age. Together with your pupils the guides will discuss such questions as "What does a portrait express about the individual it represents?" or "How does composition influence the meaning of a painting?" 

The young people will then move on to consider the question of portraits today and of self- image during a visit to the "Next Generation, Please!" interactive exhibition. This exhibition, created and installed by young people, deals with subjects such as freedom, the representation of the self or one's culture, feminism, identities and diversities, citizenship, migration, revolution and politics.  This part of the visit will be conducted by the young artists themselves who will engage in dialogue with your students.   

At the end of the visit, the young people will have the opportunity to look at what the works tell us about their time and our own, and to exchange ideas and experiences beyond the heritage bequeathed by Van Orley.


School Day for primary education

Practical information



Secondary Education


  • English French Dutch Sign language

Free visit

Booking: via the registration form

Duration: 2 hours

Info: +32 2 507 83 36 - groups@bozar.be