‘Inspiration Day: Exchange on art and education’

10 May'19
- 10:00

Next Generation, Please!

How can young people fully participate in artistic educational projects? In which ways do young participants appropriate institutional spaces such as schools, cultural centres and public spaces? How do artists, teachers, educators and cultural workers navigate the intersection of institutions, art and education?

On Friday 10 May, BOZAR and Lasso invite you for an exchange on experiences and good practices related to art and education. The departure point of this conversation is Next Generation, Please!, an artistic civic engagement project that brings together artists, young people and politicians and the city project Move It Kanal by Lasso. Then, several Belgian and international guests with experience in art practice with schools will gather around round tables.


  • 09:30: Welcome
  • 10:00-10:30: Plenary session (presentation of Next Generation, Please! and Move It Kanal)
  • 10:30-12:00: Round table conversation 
  • 12:00-12:30: Closing plenary session
  • 12:30-13:00: Lunch

Roundtables and experts

  • The importance of international cooperation (ENG)

With Cosmin Manolescu (choreographer and artistic director of Serial Paradise Company in Bucharest) and Peggy Brandon (director of Mocca, centre of expertise for cultural education in Amsterdam)

  • Tools for creativity (NL / FR)

With Jochem Devens (artistic coordinator of KAMO vzw) and Tom Goris (artistic and commercial director of MUSE-E Belgium)

  • Action theater: instrument for change (FR / NL)

With Abdelhak Chenouili (teacher and co-founder of the theater company Ras El Hanout) and Stéphane Gornikowski (coordinator of La Générale d’Imaginaire in Lille)

  • The power of singing (NL / FR)

With Laurence Ejzyn (cultural mediation coordinator of BOZAR) and Sara Moonen (artistic coordination and production of MetX)

  • The rich intersection between art and science (FR / NL)

With Joke Vander Mijnsbrugge (project coordinator of Gluon) and Arnaud Matagne (operation manager of MoMuse MuséeMolenbeekMuseum)

  • From dance projects to sustainable cooperation (NL / FR)

With Pol Coussement (artistic director of Passerelle, a platform for young dance in Kortrijk and Genk) and Julie Lemenu (supervisor and visual arts teacher at CEFA Anderlecht)

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS



Secondary Education

Higher Education

The admission is free, but the registration is required. You can register via this link before 30 April 2019.
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