asbl La Jeune Peinture Belge | Jonge Belgische Schilderkunst vzw

‘Young Belgian Art Prize 2015’

24 June →
13 Sept.'15

This summer new works by a few promising names from the Belgian art scene will be on display in the Centre for Fine Arts. Of the 250 dossiers submitted an international jury selected ten artists, all of whom work in Belgium and are under 35 years of age. In September the jury met to reveal, in association with the non-profit organisation Young Belgian Art, the winners of the Young Belgian Art Prize. Since 1950 this is the very highest distinction for young artistic talent in Belgium. The finalists are in competion for three prizes. During the exhibition you can vote for your favourite artist via – this will increase his/her chances of winning the ING People’s Choice Award.

Closing Event and Awards Ceremony: 10.09.2015 – 19:00

Selected artists: Hamza Halloubi, Katrin Kamrau, Georgia Kung, Lola Lasurt-Bachs, Hana Miletic, Max Pinckers / Michiel Burger, Emmanuelle Quertain, Emmanuel Van der Auwera, Hannelore Van Dijck and Floris Vanhoof.

Prizes: Young Belgian Art Prize – Crowet (€ 25,000), Langui Prize (€ 12,500) BOZAR Prize (€ 12,500) and the ING People’s Choice Award (€ 6,250).

International jury: Lorenzo Benedetti (director De Appel, Amsterdam), Gaël Charbau (independent curator Les Éditions Particules, Paris), Brigitte Franzen (director Ludwig Forum, Aachen), Christoph Tannert (artistic director Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin) and Catherine Wood (curator Tate Modern, London).

Prejury: Tania Nasielski (curator Besme 105), Florent Bex (director of Young Belgian Art and honorary director of the MuHKA), Diane Delvaulx (art historian and member of Young Belgian Art), Patricia De Peuter (art historian, member of Young Belgian Art and director of ING ART Belgium), Caroline Dumalin  (assistant curator Wiels), Benoit Dusart (Incise),  Martin Germann (senior curator SMAK), Anne-Claire Schmidt (director La Loge) and Eva Wittocx (curator contemporary art M-Museum Leuven)

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

COMBI 3 exhibitions
COMBI 3 exhibitions BOZAR-friends

The exhibition is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm, and until 9 pm on Thursdays.

Under 26? Only 2 € for an exhibition on Wednesdays!

On sale at the BOZAR BOUTIK
€ 19,50  - 17,50 (BOZAR-friends)

Guided tours on demand via or +32 (0)70 344 577.
Price: € 75 – 95 (weekends and late-night openings).