‘World Wide Worries About Free Reporting’

3 May'16
- 15:30

The high level of censorship, which is regularly assessed by the European Commission, demonstrates that the freedom of the press is threatened in numerous regions of the world. Discussions will focus on real-life cases and on the experience of the participants, ways in which the public authorities or private companies attempt to censor or appropriate mass media.

With : Thierry Chervel (D), Antoine Kaburahe (BI), Melody Patry (UK), Rudi Vranckx (BE), Abdualla Maksour (SY). Moderator : Jean-Paul Marthoz

Melody Patry (GB) : Introducing the Index of Censorship on a world level
Thiery Chervel (D) : editor in chief of Perlentaucher
Antoine Kaburahe (BI) : leading Burundian journalist
Rudi Vranckx (B) : leading VRT war correspondent
Abdualla Maksour (SY) : Jounalist & International Trainer for Safety Journalism for IFJ
Moderator :  Jean-Paul Marthoz 


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