Voce & Organo ASBL
Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen
Vlaamse Meesters in Situ

‘Vox Luminis & Arnaud Van de Cauter’

13 Sept.'19
- 20:00

The Tower of Babel

Bruegel’s The Tower of Babel tells the biblical tale of how God made the Babylonians speak in many different languages as punishment for their arrogance. This made it impossible for the people to communicate. Vox Luminis and Arnaud Van de Cauter use Bruegel’s masterpiece as a point of departure for this concert programme. In the first section, they accentuate the confusion of the Babylonian people with the aid of complex pieces by Palestrina and Lassus. Next, Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli offers a solution to this Babylonian confusion of tongues. Transparency and simplicity are foremost in this mass, which Palestrina wrote in the aftermath of the Council of Trent.

Lionel Meunier
Arnaud Van de Cauter

Confundantur Superbi (Medici Codex, 1518)

Mikołaj Zieleński

Confundantur Superbi

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Ricercata del Quarto Tono

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Super Flumina Babylonis

Orlandus Lassus

Super Flumina Babylonis

Antonio Cabezón de

Tiento I

Orlandus Lassus

Motet Confundatur Superbi

Orlandus Lassus

Agnus Dei (Missa Super Confundatur Superbi)

Girolamo Diruta


Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Missa Papae Marcelli

Samuel Scheidt

Fantasia super « Io so ferito Lasso »

Early music


The Sound of Bruegel



Organ Festival

Practical information


Eglise Notre-Dame de la Chapelle | Kerk van Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Kapelle

Place de la Chapelle 1000 Brussels