Le P'tit Ciné

‘Visions du Réel @Brussels’

2 Dec.'15
- 20:00

Thirty years have passed since Marcel left Spain to get out of doing his military service. Since then he has settled in the middle of a forest in Costa-Rica. A naked man, living amongst howler monkeys, in the shadow of a mythological creature. He performs Ayahuasca ceremonies, often in the company of young travellers who are seeking a mystical experience.

Pedro M 
On 23 February 1981 Pedro Martin, a cameraman for Spanish television, made a name for himself by filming the attempted coup d’état in the Spanish parliament. While trying to uncover the secret of her father, who disappeared without a trace, the cameraman’s daughter meets individuals haunted by the images of the past. Sometimes, historical archives hide an intimate drama… This film is an entrancing mixture of fiction and reality.

Le Boudin
In a cinematographic process close to the one used in his feature-length film Terra de Ninguém (2012), Salomé Lamas once again explores the issues and questionings linked to the Foreign Legion and the mercenary calling. Deployed in the sound track, the story of Nuno Fialho, recruited at sixteen years of age, is played, with a fertile dissonance, by a young German actor of the same age.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS
