A+ Architecture in Belgium

‘V+ 2014-2015’

18 June →
20 Sept.'15

BOZAR ARCHITECTURE and A+ Architecture in Belgium present V+ 2014-2015, the first monographic exhibition to be devoted to the V+ architectural practice. This event concentrates on projects that are either still being designed, are in the process of being built, or have recently been completed. Models, installations, plans, photographs, and videos highlight the key aspects of each project and reveal the practice's distinctive features, such as rethinking the requirements of a project, coming to terms with the existing context, and experimenting with the limits of the discipline of architecture. Bearing witness to the importance of collaborative work, V+ 2014-2015 also celebrates contributions by Simon Boudvin, Maxime Delvaux, Rotor, Loïc Vanderstichelen, and Jean-Paul Jacquet, among others. More than a retrospective, this exhibition takes you behind the scenes of major projects. As V+ has designed the offices of the new MAD Brussels Mode and Design Centre, there is a link between the V+ 2014-2015 exhibition and the exhibition devoted to Belgian fashion, The Belgians: An Unexpected Fashion Story, which you can see at the Centre for Fine Arts this summer.

Practical information

Free access

The exhibition is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm, and until 9 pm on Thursdays

On Saturday 19.09 the exhibition will exceptionally close at 5pm.