Belgian National Orchestra

‘TAUPE - Family Concert’

1 Dec.'18
- 11:30

Belgian National Orchestra

From 4 years old

Storyteller Bruno Coppens

Discover with all the family the adventures of T A U P E, an enthralling story of the 1914-18 Great War, written by the poetess Maud Vanhauwaert. The superb illustrations by Carll Cneut bring the narrative to life while the musicians from the Belgian National Orchestra invite parents and children to express their emotions:  to sing, laugh, shout out loud, but also to listen quietly. An interactive concert where young and old alike can give free rein to their imagination and share an unforgettable moment. 

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


With the Kids and Teens


  • French