Belgian National Orchestra

‘Taupe - Concert for schools’

3 Dec.'18

Belgian National Orchestra

Elementary school (third year) and Primary education (first and second year)

Immerse your nursery class in the adventures of M O L, a thrilling story about World War I, written by the poet Maud Vanhauwaert. Carll Cneut’s stunning illustrations will bring the story to life. The musicians of the Belgian National Orchestra invite the children to sing along, laugh, shout and listen quietly so they can experience the music with all their senses. Teachers receive a preparatory educational sheet.
Family concert (01.12)

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS




Primary Education

Language: 10:30 FR
                    13:30 NL
Price​: € 6 per student + 1 teacher for free for every 15 students
Preparatory workshop on demand: € 140 per class (2 x 50')
Info: +32 2 507 83 36 -
Booking: via the registration form