‘Summer camp Mixity’

1 July →
31 Aug.'17

Hip-Hop summer courses in Brussels

In collaboration with the CBAI and visit.brussels

This summer Brussels has caught the hip-hop bug! …which is why the CBAI, visit.brussels, BOZAR and a number of associations here in Brussels are organising summer schools as part of Mixity Hip-Hop. The summer schools are an excellent opportunity for young Brussels inhabitants who are interested in discovering one of the disciplines (rap, dance, graffiti etc.) of hip-hop culture or simply want to find out more. Every week of summer school includes a visit to the exhibition YO. Brussels Hip-Hop Generations, and a closing event involving all the participants on the Friday afternoon in BOZAR.

Practical information


With the Kids and Teens

The summer schools are either free or very affordable. Registration is obligatory and the number of places is limited.