Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques a.s.b.l
Jeunesses Musicales de Bruxelles
Souterrain Productions

‘Summer Camp’

3 July →
31 Aug.'17

YO, Brussels Hip-Hop Generations

This summer, the Centre for Fine Arts is opening its doors to hip-hop, a specifically urban artistic movement which has given rise to several generations of young Brussels artists, and which continues to inspire numerous new talents. When it first came into being in the 1980s hip-hop was all about graffiti, rap, DJing and dance. It has never stopped reinventing itself. Does hip-hop interest or intrigue you? That’s just as well because BOZAR is playing host to its partners’ summer schools – the perfect opportunity to have a go, enjoy yourself, and experience hip-hop culture first hand. Be it music, dance or the visual arts, there’s something for everyone. 

Practical information


With the Kids and Teens