Boghossian Foundation

‘A selection of films by Artavazd Pelechian’

3 Oct.'15
- 14:00

Introduction by Artavazd Pelechian

The introduction by Artavazd Pelechian will be translated into French by Aude Merlin (ULB)


The Seasons (Tarva Yeghanaknere) (1972, B&W, silent, 30’)
Sliding down the sides of mountains, hurtling down hills with hay bales in tow, falling into a foaming torrent: Pelechian and his camera follow the cycle of Armenian pastoral life. The harvests, transhumance and rites of those farmers are inexorably caught up in the eternal cycle of the seasons.

Au début (1967, B&W, 10')

Notre siècle (Mer Dare) (1982, B&W, 50')

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • Peter and Nathalie Hrechdakian