9 June'18
- 19:30

Due to a personal accident the concert must be cancelled
More info Alexandru Jula


Alexandru Jula is the last big romantic in our music. He is even an occurance as popularity regarding his long 50 decade career.
Since the 1st Octomber 1954 he joined the team of the Musical Theatre " Nae Leonard" in Galati, stage section. There he made his debut in the performance "Sugestions and complaints" with the plays " It is fall again" and " The fairy tale of Ileana Consanzeana".
Then he colaborated with the Theatre "Constantin Tanase" in Bucharest and the Theatre "Fantasio" in Constanta, succeeding to perform hundred times.
His first single( realized in 1966 together with Ionel Miron) is followed by other 4 personal entries, of which the issued disc in 1968 records considerable sales ( it contains the tunes " My friend's wife", " The white flower in Pireus and covers).
Down the ages he attended national and international festivals where he won many awards: The contest of creation and interpretation " Tunes '79", the Festival in Berlin, then in Poznan, Poland, the Festival of soft music in Mamaia.
In 1998 in Constanta, he receives the Degree of Excellence at the National Festival of the Variety Theatres. In 2002 he gets the Degree of Honour within the Gala of Romanian Soft Music " A day among the stars" of the Ministry of Culture and Cults. Also in 2002 he is appointed Citizen of Honour of Galati municipality.
After 2000 he is the presenter ( host) of the TV programme " Jula and friends", broadcasted by TV Galati, where remarkable guests of soft and folk music field are invited.
Within a career of more than five decades, Alexandru Jula launched hundreds of songs, of the most different genre: music from  the international repertory but also ethno music, party music, romances and music for children.
The vintage CD contains the most known and loved Alexandru Jula's songs, namely " Never say goodbye to love", " When liliac blooms again", " Your voice, your name", " I have known you since the world", " Talk to me about love", " Life is a song", " Running for a star", "Tributary to love", " My friend's wife", " Tell me what you want", " You brought me spring", " I am coming back to you", " A known game", " It is you", "The silver glass", " Thanks to love", "For you", " It will be always", " I will never forget love", "Forget".


Mariana Preda is a Romanian panflute player based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. To this day she released three music albums, 'Luna', ' Sunrise ' and 'Untold Stories' with the label MAP from Milan, Italy. Mariana won numerous music awards, among which are also the Maria Tanase, the Mamaia Music Festival award and the first place at the Panflute Competition in the Netherlands. Her education was enriched by renowned panflutists such as Gheorghe Zamfir and Damian Draghici.
In 2016 Mariana has been given a special prize at the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest for being one of the best Romanian students abroad in the field of the arts, a recognition that also rewards her activity of promoting the pan flute all over the world.
She performed in many cities around the world such as Bucharest, Cluj, Milan, Rome, Amsterdam,  Brussels, London, Havana, New York, Chicago and recently she held a concert for the Romanian community in California, USA.
Mariana recently graduated in 'Classical Panflute' at the Conservatory of Amsterdam under the guidance of dutch panflutist Matthijs Koene.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • Floare de Colt
  • Elena Holban
