‘The Reign of Afropeanism - Roland Gunst & Sibo Kanobana’

5 Feb.'17
- 17:00


Two speakers, one of Flemish background and one of Congolese (Roland Gunst and Sibo Kanobana) come to Brussels to present their work on the history of the African presence in Europe seen from the history of Flanders. This history of Flanders is based on real facts as well as on fiction. The presentation is divided in two parts following both waves of Afropeanism: the first one (1500 – 2017) witnesses the spreading of Afropeanism, and the second one ( 2017 - ) sees the founding of the first Afropean kingdom. The purpose is to evoke the past, present and future presence of Africa in Europe, using reality and fiction, and to encourage the public to read history and future in a new way.
A collaboration with Sibo Kanobana et Vuong Ha.

Roland Gunst - John k cobra – experiments with Afropean narratives adapted to the multi ethnical and multicultural character of social, cultural and political realities in contemporary Europe. These Afropean narratives are manifestations of his Flemish Congolese genetical and cultural origins. This approach can be found in the story of king LION I – the black lion of Flanders -, the story of Lusinga – the black beast of colonial Congo – and the story of the Negro-monster – the curse of the Flemish nation -.


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