‘Our Burning World: Echoes of Equality’

22 → 26

In the Our Burning World series, we highlight films and discussions that explore crucial contemporary societal issues, particularly in the fields of politics, ecology, and society. 

The Echoes of Equality programme focuses on gender relations in Arab countries and Arab communities in Europe, while exploring their representation in contemporary Arab cinema. It is a continuation of our Halaqat project, launched in 2021 in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut, which aims to create links between Europe and the Arab world, with a focus on gender equality this year. The project questions the structures that shape societies and their representations, bringing to light and giving voice to less visible stories from Arab communities.

​​​​​​​At the heart of the films and debates selected as part of Our Burning World: Echoes of Equality is an examination of the transmission of values, obligations, and heritage, revealing a range of realities from the Maghreb to Iraq, via Egypt and Palestine.


Now →
30 Apr.'27

Halaqat II

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rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • Original version: English French German Arabic

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