‘Nocturne Voice & Architecture’

26 Oct.'23
- 18:00

On Thursday, October 26th, from 6:00 to midnight, Bozar warmly invites you to the new edition of the nocturnal event, focused on voices and architecture, within the context of four ongoing exhibitions: 'Antoni Tàpies. The Practice of Art', 'Play. NU architecture studio', 'europalia georgia: The Avant-garde in Georgia', and 'Victor Horta and the Grammar of Art Nouveau'. 

A diverse program will frame the evening, including guided tours by Koen Peeters and Régis Gayraud.

Additionally, experience the unique musical performance by the Georgian singer and accordionist Nino Nakeuri and the French composer and organist Alexis Paul. These two artists experiment with sound and breath, bridging tradition and contemporary creation.

Lucimille's DJ-set will kick off and conclude the evening, allowing you to enjoy a drink in our Horta Hall.

Ticket: 10 euro 

6:00 PM - 11:30 PM Opening of the exhibitions: Antoni Tàpies. The Practice of Art / Play. NU architectuuratelier / europalia georgia: The Avant-garde in Georgia / Victor Horta and the Grammar of Art Nouveau
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Lucimille (DJ-set)

6:15 PM - 6:45 PM Guided tour: Victor Horta and the Grammar of Art Nouveau
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Guided tour: Koen Peeters

7:00 PM - 7:30 PM Guided tour:  Play. NU architectuuratelier
7:30 PM - 7:45 PM Concert: Nino Nakeuri
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Guided tour: Zaoum – Régis Gayraud
8:30 PM - 9:30 PM Guided tour: Koen Peeters
9:00 PM - 10:10 PM Concert: Paul Alexis feat. Nino Nakeuri
11:30 PM Closing of the exhibitions
11:45 PM Last drink in the Horta hall
12:00 AM End of the Nocturnal Event

23 Feb. →
30 Nov.'23

Bozar Nocturnes

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Sound level

Level 1 ≤ 85 db

The Nocturne ticket gives access to all activities. 
Guided tours of the exhibitions will be limited to a certain quota, so make sure you get to the meeting point on time!



