‘New Fields, New Practices - For a Better Land Uses’

7 June'18
- 09:00

Forum – 6 Worshops

Who makes the city ? Alongside the usual actors, on the side of the private or public sector, new entrants assert themselves. They multiply initiatives : new urban service, meeting place, shared space, participatory design, digital collaboration, recycling of materials, short cycles based approach, reintegration of nature in the city, etc.
Whether they are real estate developers, service providers, government agents or public decision makers, new entrants, their interest is to listen to signals that anticipate, small tone changes already on the way. Urban planners are opening up to new disciplines (ethnology, economics, ICT, animation of change, etc.), are changing their profession and are opening up to new methods.

There remains the question : who will be the master of these futures ? How to act on the territories in a world that has become more and more uncertain ? A prospective look is needed for a better layout ... Come share these questions during the Forum !

Speakers : Alain RENK (architect & urbanist, founder of the agency HOST et member of the NGO 7 Billion urbanists), Yvonne FRANQUINET (Amsterdam ARCAM), Kristiaan BORRET (Chief Architect of the Brussels-Capital Region), Vincent BASSUYAU (European Commission, DG GROW - circular economy), Steven BECKERS, (Founder of the Lateral Thinking Factory), Jean-Christophe LIPOVAC (La ville en transition de Grande-Synthe), Cathy Macharis (President of the Brussels Mobility Commission and the sustainability Commission of the VUB), Marie-Amandine VERMILLON (Open Data and Créativité Collective TUBÀ - Lyon), Piet VAN MEERBEEK, BRAL (Selfcity, asset based community development) …

Program :
8 :30 : Welcome
9 :00 -11 :30 : Workshop 1
11 :15 -12 :30 : Workshop 2
13 :00 -14 :00 : Lunch (offered)
14 :00 -15 :15 : Workshop 3
15 :45 -17 :00 : Workshop 4
17 :00-18 :15 : Conclusions by par Paul Vermeylen, Président FUP and roundtable discussion in the presence of the Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region Rudy Vervoort and by Olivier Willocx – BECI, Gaetan Hannecart – MATEXI and Paul Dujardin (CEO Bozar).
18h15 - Closing drink and press conference

Support :
Brussels-Capital Region, Minister-President in charge of urbanism.
Brussels-Capital Region, the Ministers in charge of Mobility, Quality of Life and the Environment

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

- Standard: 140 €
- Administrations / Officials: 90 €
- CUB / FUB members: 95 €
- Students: 40 €


Informatie : Urbanistes.be
Contact : fup@urbanistes.be