‘Molenbeek meets Matongé’

5 Feb.'17
- 17:00


The project “Molenbeek meets Matongé” offers a  group of artists and activists of north-African and sub-Saharan African origin living in  the opportunity to produce small video films dealing with relations between these minorities. The project is also open to children. This festival screening presents the first films produced. Conceived and produced by EuroMagh.


Le mariage.
A Congolese mulatto marries a North-African from the Sahara, the shooting takes place during the wedding party, intrigues and gossip.
Short film Drama
Hachemi Lotfi Amine with Hakim Traidia.

Tous en foulard
A waiting room in a clinic. Three women wearing headscarves are pondering, the first one is a Belgian, she has cancer, the second one is North-African and the third one is a Congolese and wears a pagne. Which illness has this headscarf ….
Short film Fiction
Christelle Pandanzyla with Sana Belarbi

A journalist from Eastern Europa meets a Sub-Saharan artist, then a North-African singer of Brussels. The plot unfolds voice off after the interviews.
Short film. Doc. Fiction

Molenbeek Jobs
A North-African manager of a start-up in Molenbeek is recruiting and only sub-Saharans are solliciting. The recruitment session seen through a surveillance camera.
Short film. Comedy
Zaki Chari

Arabel Stage
Two radio trainees.  Africana or Arabel … or the life of two radio trainees who find themselves in the same circumstances.
Houcine El Oilil

Before converting to Islam Bilal was called Alain. A Congolese by birth, he grew up in Belgium. Like many young people on the threshold of adulthood he has trouble to find himself. Furthermore, he has a double nationality, a double culture to manage.  He doesn’t feel himself Belgian or  Congolese, like a rootless tree searching for light. He will find it in religion. Friends introduce Alain to Islam. He decides to convert against his family’s and friends’ advice. At the same time he flings himself into practicing a lot of sports as if it was the only professional way out for him. In this combination of religion and sports Bilal finds himself and blooms. The film lets us discover the character with his inner feelings, his thoughts about his double culture and his religious conversion as well as his everyday world.
Short film – Docu fiction
Written and directed by Ayoko Mensah and Freddy Mutombo

Practical information


Stained Glass Room


  • EuroMagh