‘Meet the Director: Sepideh Farsi’

12 June'23
- 20:00

Films from Iran for Iran

In collaboration with feminist film journal Another Gaze, Bozar this time invites Iranian filmmaker Sepideh Farsi. This screening will comprise of her two short films: Bahman and Girls of Iran followed by her feature film Red Rose. The films are ensued by a conversation with the artist, led by Maryam Hedayat (filmmaker, writer and urban curator at Argos).  
Sepideh Farsi was born and raised in Iran before she left the country to study mathematics in Paris at the age of 19, several years after the revolution of 1979. After a short while she turned to cinema instead. By now we’re speaking of a career that is spanning three decades, with numerous short and feature length films to her name with screenings across the globe. Her work is often themed around identity and the political and social struggles in her native country. 

Bahman (FR,IR,2023, digital file, 2') Farsi
"Bahman" is a wish, or an imaginary movement, that goes back in time, listing the tragic events that Iran has had to live through since 1979. What if all this could be erased from the timeline?
Filles d'Iran (IR, 2022, digital file, 6')  Farsi 
Short film images of an ongoing struggle, shot by anonymous cameras of demonstrators in Iran, from 1979 to 2022.  A song of rage and resistance to oppression. 
Red Rose (IR/FR/GR, 2014, DCP, 85')  Farsi 
A politically complacent middle-aged man and a young pro-democracy activist debate about the future of their country while hiding from the police, in this fascinating drama that blends scripted scenes with on-the-ground footage from Iran’s 2009 Green Revolution. 

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • English Farsi
  • Subtitles: English

Bahman (FR,IR,2023, digital file, 2')

Filles d’Iran (IR, 2022, digital file, 6')

Red Rose (IR/FR/GR, 2014, DCP, 85')




< 30 year




EU Disability card



  • HerMap Iran-Cultural Heritage Management Project