Goethe-Institut Brüssel
European Cultural Foundation

‘Lampedusa Day’

19 June'16
- 11:00


The inauguration of the lighthouse by the German artist Thomas Kilpper highlights the importance of the safety of the refugees as they cross the sea towards Lampedusa. And this before any consideration of how they might find refuge there. The Lampedusa Day will continue at the Centre for Fine Arts with a debate bringing together Thomas Kilpper, the burgomaster of Lampedusa Giusi Nicolini (to be confirmed), the conductor of the Syrian Big Band Hannibal Saad and Micaela Casalboni, director of the documentary Lampedusa Mirrors. Karl van den Broeck (BOZAR) will lead the discussion.


A lighthouse for Lampedusa

Practical information


Bertouille Rotunda

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


  • English

Free acces upon registration

11:00 Inauguration of the exhibition on the rooftop : access via Rue Royale - Koningstraat, 10.
11:30 Conference Hall Rotonde Bertouille : access via Rue Baron Horta - Baron Hortastraat, 11.
Conference followed by a drink.