‘Kamel Daoud’

19 Oct.'16
- 16:00

Meet the writer

The Algerian writer Kamel Daoud rarely makes public appearances due to the death threats he has received for his views on Muslim fundamentalism. Daoud is one of the main guests at the Brussels Days, a two-day event dedicated to a discussion of Europe’s future. He will be interviewed about his life and work as well as relations between Europe and the Arab world.

Kamel Daoud first came to the attention of a wide public in 2013, with the publication of The Meursault Investigation, a ‘reply’ to the existentialist classic The Stranger by Albert Camus. The work was awarded the Prix Goncourt and won worldwide praise in literary circles. The celebrated theatre producer Johan Simons used both novels as a basis for his music theatre production Die Fremden that is coming to the Centre for Fine Arts in October.  


Brussels Days 2016

Practical information


Henry Le Boeuf Hall

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • French

Free admission, on subscription