13 Sept.'18
- 19:00


The AA Visiting School Brussels “The House of Politics” will launch a public screening and discussion of short essay films produced in the workshop, between 3 and 13 September.
By focusing on the relationship between architecture and new audiovisual media, this year’s edition will take the European Council, with the Justus Lipsius and the Residence Palace building, as a case study.
The discussion will be based on short experimental essay films, addressing questions related to the public image of supranational political bodies, such as the European Union, and the entanglement of architecture and image-teledistribution.
The workshop is realized with the support of the ULB Brussels, the Brussels Region and the AA London Visiting School program.

Moderated by Bernard Dubois, Pol Esteve & Dennis Pohl.
Presentation by the students of the AA Visiting School Brussels.

Practical information


Salon Europa, supported by the Evens Foundation

Location: Salon Europa.