7 July →
31 Dec.'16

Throughout the second half of this year, BOZAR will open its doors to Slovakia in the context of its Council Presidency of the European Union. Through a multi-disciplinary programme, BOZAR and its partners wish to offer an overview of the visions and the history of Central Europe which is still too little known in Belgium. Beyond a mere showcase for Slovak culture, it will be a matter of highlighting the contemporary creativity which draws inspiration both from past themes and experiences, and from the modern-day reality of a Slovakia in the heart of the European Union. These original artistic works, combining theatre, cinema, literature or jewellery design, depict life in Slovakia today, often with a touch of humour. In the course of narratives drawn from the world of art and culture, this programme supplements the work done by the Brussels Centre for Fine Arts to inspire a powerful, shared European identity.

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

In the framework of

  • the Slovak Presidency of the European Council