‘EXHALE - Installation by Lawrence Malstaf with performance by Liv Hanne Haugen and Per Martinsen’

28 + 29

When Art Meets Science

The project starts from a movement we all share: breathing. This process of inhaling and exhaling as an expression of our physical and mental states is in constant change and usually subconscious. Yet it can also be a means to control psychosomatic phenomena like stress and anxiety. 
Breath connects mind and body, the yogi said a 1000 years ago. However, in these eco-calyptic times where fear is the best-selling currency, science tell us about earlier mass extinctions and the cycles of life in our earthly atmosphere.
With scientific prose, dance and electronic sounds, the audience is invited inside a large inflated lung where performers and visitors become one and the invisible air is shared as a physical and tangible medium. ‘Breathing is the first and the last thing you will do, you will breathe about 10000 litres of air today. Without breath, there is no life.’
The performance takes place mainly inside a big inflatable space and the audience are requested to remove their shoes, jackets and bags.

EXHALE 2016, performance installation by Liv Hanne Haugen (dance), Lawrence Malstaf (installation) and Per Martinsen (music), Vibeke Thorp (text) and thanks to Jan Verheyden



Day of Dance

Practical information


Horta Hall

rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Performances : limited places - Online and on-site registration

Saturday 28 April 14:00> 22:00

Continuous installation - free access

Performances (10 min) - 14:30 / 15:30 / 16:30 / 17:30 / 18: 30 - registration on site possible

Performance (20 min) - 19:00 / 21:30 - registration via the "Registration" link below

Sunday 29 April 10:00> 17:00

Continuous installation - free access

Performances (10 min) - 10:30 / 11:30 / 12:30 / 13:30 / 14: 30 / 15:30 / 16:30 - registration on site possible