‘De koffie wordt koud’

1 Dec.'17
- 19:05

Amber Meulenijzer

In “The Coffee is Getting Cold” we enter the universe of a soundsmith. A universe which is becoming increasingly more associated with the world of theatre and scenography. This creates an interesting friction between sound, space and form. Through large and kitsch installations the creator confronts us with boundless solitude. The auditory space of the void becomes a central theme.

Feedback from the jury: poetic / surprising; unique in its proposal; bold choice; the city, sound and radio montages offer a unique perspective of the city.

Amber Meulenijzer is a sound engineer. Sound has been her sphere of interest for years. In her youth she formed part of the creative team of 'Zender' at Studio Brussels. This was a music platform and program that emphasised a focus on more adventurous music. She studied radio at RITCS, School of the Arts, but shifted increasingly to installation and theatre while developing her auditory vocabulary. This interest eventually translated into large scenery featuring auditory installations. The overlap between theatre and sound as a theatrical device remains her main research interest.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Pass: € 9 - 6