‘Cuban Tales’

15 June'19
- 15:00

La Bibliocyclette: 15:00

From 3 years old

One evening, as Miléna Van Hoff is heading to bed, she comes face to face with a mouse. They become acquainted. The mouse’s name is Francine, and dreams of travelling the world. To help make her dream come true, Miléna builds her a rather peculiar bicycle: a bibliocyclette. The principle is simple; it’s a library on wheels, pulled by a bike. As a result, Miléna’s own dream also comes true: to tell magical tales to children. Joined on this occasion by Lucie Jans, she recounts Francine’s adventures in Cuba. Switching between French and Dutch, Miléna and Lucie make up a bilingual duo of storytellers that is unique in its genre; a poetic journey and a human encounter that your little ones won’t soon forget.

Practical information


Reception Room

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • French Dutch


Capacity: 40 children