‘Chinese Utopias Revisited’

17 July →
30 Aug.'15

The Elephants

Chinese contemporary artists are among the most fascinating new kids on the block in the nowadays Art World. However, the art world in Western countries is hesitating to fully recognize this fabulous evolution. The exhibition brings to Brussels 8 new chapters of recent Chinese art, placing them within a universal context.

The exhibition Chinese Utopias Revisited – The Elephants, takes place in three exceptional venues: the Centre for Fine Arts, the archaeological site of Coudenberg Palace and the Borgendael lounge of the BELvue Museum. 

The video with explanations from the curators can now be found at the start of the exhibition in the Centre for Fine Arts.This video has been moved here from the Belvue museum. The exhibition trail ends in the Coudenberg site.

With: Cao Fei, Liu Xiaodong, Song Dong, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Wang Jiuliang, Xu Bing ,Yang Fudong, Yin Xiuzhen and many other guests.

Practical information


BOZAR - Coudenberg - BELvue

1000 Brussels

The exhibition is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6 pm, and until 9 pm on Thursdays
>> There are no Thursday late night openings between 21 July and 15 August.


(-18 free)


  • Central Academy of Fine Arts - CAFA
  • Central Art Academy of Fine Arts in China
  • VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)