2 Feb.'17
- 20:00


BOZAR ELECTRONIC SERIES are intimate nights showcasing a wide range of cutting edge music blurring the borders of electronic, contemporary and experimental music. Set in a cosy seated venue, the events aim to bring both national and international upcoming or more established artists. Key words are innovative and adventurous approaches to sound and to live performance.


20:00 Croatian Amor
21:00 Break
21:20 Gazelle Twin



Croatian Amor is the solo work of Copenhagen based Loke Rahbek, known for his involvement in running the Danish record label Posh Isolation as well as his numerous projects including Damien Dubrovnik and -most recently-formed, the electronic quintet Body Sculptures (both present during BEAF's last edition). The work of Croatian Amor mixes textures of post industrial with an underlying pop sensibility. There’s often a strong sense of narrative in the releases and cinematic trades to the synth driven music.

Thematically, the work of Croatian Amor deals with communication and relations, especially how these are subject to change with each new generation. There is an element of fantasy, or maybe even science fiction to the work of Croatian Amor, yet through a largely fictional and candycoloured platform, Croatian Amor explores a very real subject matter. Since the inception of the project, Croatian Amor has dealt with a mixture of fiction and reality, often using real events and places as a platform for a largely fictional play."There is something in the way that the music and track titles progress which is not unlike the experience of submitting to social media news feeds, where love stories become the neighbours of civil wars and selfies, and reports from refugee camps are presented next to advertisements for lifestyle magazines." "Love Means Taking Action", Croatian Amor's last album,' lets the fragmented motifs of fictions tenderly tug at reality’s patchwork veil.

GAZELLE TWIN: Kingdom Come (UK)
An audiovisual performance for 2 vocalists

Following on from Gazelle Twin’s widely acclaimed Unflesh LP and world tour, her latest project - audiovisual live show, Kingdom Come is inspired by J.G Ballard's final novel, and explores tribalism, social conditioning and fascism in the contemporary suburban and consumer landscape. Originally commissioned by Future Everything Festival in 2016 (UK), the performance features two vocalists on treadmills, silhouetted against an episodic series of mesmerising and violent short films created by British filmmakers Chris Turner and Tash Tung. With rising acts of terrorism and the political far right across Europe, it makes an uncanny social commentary for the present day, and is a chilling reminder of Ballard’s prophetic writing.

Music and Concept by Gazelle Twin Films by Chris Turner & Tash Tung
Performed by: Jez Bernholz, Natalie Sharp, Stuart Warwick
Originally commissioned byFuture Everything Festival (UK) 2016.



Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Presale 15€
