‘Bookpresentation: Inaya. Letter to my child’

17 Mar.'17
- 20:00

Bleri Lleshi

Inaya. This is what Bleri Lleshi’s first child will be called. While the author patiently awaits her birth, his mind wanders. He decides to exorcise these thoughts in a letter. About his own roots deep in the Albanese Alps. About Brussels, Inaya’s home town. About the world in which she will grow up.

“I can’t tell you everything about these times”, he wrote. “You will have to experience them for yourself. But the day you are given this book, you’ll be able to read some of your father’s thoughts on the spirit of our age. I want to make you aware of inequality and exclusion, of the racism and sexism you’ll come into contact with. But I also want to tell you about hopeful people and initiatives. And about the enrichment you have inside of you. About different worlds and how you must get the best out of these worlds in order to make your own life story. A story based on doing good, on justice, solidarity and caring.”
Poetic, captivating and inspirational.

Bleri Lleshi is a political philosopher, youth worker in Brussels and lecturer at the hogeschool UCLL in Leuven. He wrote De neoliberale strafstaat (EPO, 2014) and the bestseller Liefde in tijden van angst (EPO, 2016), and is the author of Bleri Lleshi's Blog.

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