Vlaams Nederlands Huis deBuren

‘Armando & co’

15 Sept.'16
- 20:00

Literary nocturne in the exhibition

With Armando, Els Moors, Monika Rinck, Maarten van der Graaff en Peter Verhelst.

In the exhibition Facing the Future. Art in Europe 1945-68 the legendary poet and artist Armando speaks about his life and work with Matthijs de Ridder. The exhibition features both his artwork and his poetry. The second half of the evening is devoted to a literary tour of the exhibition. The poets Els Moors, Monika Rinck, Maarten van der Graaff and Peter Verhelst introduce the public to their favourite paintings in the exhibition. A tour punctuated with poetry readings from the literary visitors’ guide to the exhibition. Especially for this literary nocturne the doors of Facing the Future. Art in Europe 1945-68 will remain open after the usual closing time. After the literary meeting you will have the opportunity to further visit the exhibition at your leisure.

Practical information


Exhibition rooms


  • English Dutch
