‘Already Unmade’

29 Apr.'17

Andros Zins-Browne

In Already Unmade, choreographer and dancer Andros Zins-Browne revisits his personal history of choreography, altering it through its repetition, practicing a performance of 'unmaking' rather than restaging pre-existing dances. By reversing the order in which choreography is normally created, Already Unmade begins with finished, 'choreographic objects' and subjects them to an ensuing process where they begin to unravel.

Andros Zins-Browne will perform Already Unmade in the exhibition Yves Klein. Theatre of the Void, during the Dag van de Dans.

Practical information


Horta Hall

rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels

Exhibition rooms

11:00 - 13:00: Free entrance (Horta Hall) 
14:00 - 18:00: Free entrance upon presentation of your entrance ticket for the exhibition Yves Klein – Theatre of the void