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Laure Stehlin: La voix qui libère la voie

How can sounds help us recover our lost balance? In this video, Laure Stehlin presents the effects of sound yoga on our health and well-being.

Singing Brussels

This article is part of

Singing Brussels Live Streaming and Talks

For Laure Stehlin, many things can disturb the harmony between the different dimensions of our being. A painful experience pushed this artist and musician to seek a new way to find herself through the practice of healing sounds. How can sounds help us recover our lost balance? Can they help us find our way through life? In this video, Laure Stehlin presents the effects of sound yoga on our health and well-being.

The talk will be livestreamed on this page on 19 May at 12:00. The video will remain available after this livestream.

Laure Stehlin is a specialist in healing sounds. Trained in this practice, she then discovered the sacred chants of the Vedic tradition and developed a practice of singing and sound yoga. A professional flautist, creator and multi-faceted artist, she studied the modern flute at the Conservatoire de Strasbourg and the traverso with Barthold Kuijken at the Royal Conservatoire in Brussels. Laure Stehlin is a member of the Musiques Nouvelles ensemble, with which she recently recorded the album New Shamanic Music (Cypres). She gives courses, workshops and conferences at her own Espace Vibrations centre.