‘Workshop - Singing Klezmer’

6 May'18
- 14:00

with Joëlle Strauss

“Lakhn mit trern”, “Laugh with tears”… This is an expression which sums up Klezmer singing perfectly. Klezmer singing is also nourished by all the music of countries which had a Jewish diaspora. Come and discover Klezmer in all its diversity: from Eastern Europe to New York by way of Buenos Aires!

Public: 10+
For  singers who have choir experience



Practical information


Rehearsal studio of the Belgian National Orchestra

Galerie Ravenstein 28/6 10 Brussels


  • English French


Sun 6 May 2018 14:00 → 14:45 

Public: 14+
For experienced singers


Belgian National Orchestra Rehearsal Studio
Galerie Ravenstein 28
1000 Brussels