‘Workshop - Sing Me In’

6 May'18
- 14:00

With Sterre De Raedt en Moufadhel Adhoum

Come and sing, clap your hands and tap your feet, play and dance with your children to music from all over the world. A selection of folk music from the Netherlands, France, Spain, but also tsonga and Arabic music will be performed to you in an original, fun manner.

Public: 6+

In collaboration with Koor & stem and Europa Cantat. 
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

Practical information


Foyer 1


  • French Dutch


Sun 6 May 2018 14:00 → 14:45

Public : 6+



BOZAR/Foyer 1
(Meeting point: workshop desk - BOZAR main entrance - 10 min before the starting time)


  • Sing me in