‘Workshop Resist!’

7 July →
25 Aug.'18

As part of the RESIST! exhibition on the legacy of May ‘68 and the art of social protest, we are inviting you to get involved in a workshop that re-evaluates the symbolism of the wall.

Devised as a boundary, border or display area, from Berlin to China the wall illustrates the forbidden and its transgression and has never ceased to stimulate our imagination! You will then stimulate your creativity in our interactive space as you proudly express your desire for change by creating your own slogans, posters etc.

Five free workshops give you the opportunity to reinvent the protest movements through collective creation. Two facilitators are on hand to guide you. You will explore questions such as "What’s freedom?", "What’s the point of rules?", "Are we satisfied with the world around us?" and "Are we prepared to fight for a better world?" The answers can be found at the Centre for Fine Arts! 

Practical information


BOZAR/Centre for Fine Arts

Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 Brussels


With the Kids and Teens


  • English French Dutch

Continuously accessible from 14:00 to 17:00 

No registration, free with your exhibition ticket

From 9 years