‘Vox Luminis & Lingua Franca’

8 Feb.'17 →
15 Dec.'16

Funeral Music

Regarded as one of England's greatest ever composers, Henry Purcell accompanied the court's joys, ambitions and dramas throughout his career: Charles II (1660-1685), James II (1685-1688) and, of course, Mary II (1689-1694). When the latter passed away, Purcell composed for the deceased Queen's funeral the missing parts of the funeral service for English royalty, as set to music by Thomas Morley in the 16th century. The 17th century made its mark upon the tradition as the civil war interrupted the  process for handing it down. Purcell sought to complete it in keeping with the style of his distinguished predecessor. Written by James Paisible and Thomas Tollet, two other marches were played during the procession. The evening's performance will feature these three musical treasures that were used to escort the Queen to her final resting place.


Lionel Meunier
Benoît Laurent
Henry Purcell

Music for the funeral of the Queen Mary

James Paisible

The Queen's farewell

Thomas Tollet

The Queen's farewell

Thomas Morley

Works by

Practical information


Minimes | Miniemen Church

Rue des Minimes 62 1000 Brussels