‘The Urban Chapter’

20 Apr.'18
- 20:00

Belgium, Bosnia, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania & Serbia

20:00 > 21:15
​22:30 > 23:15

The new urban generation of the Balkans is an intellectual, social, cultural and aesthetic melting pot, giving birth to myriad identities and collective representations. The ‘colourful revolution’ in Skopje, Serbian students taking to the street for democracy, the reaction to the Greek crisis or the affirmation of a modern identity in Priština are all striking examples. The Urban Chapter brings together some twenty urban artists from the Balkans and Belgium, with varied styles and experiences, for a unique creation that is the culmination of an artistic residency. This great concert, mixing rhythms, lyrics, slam, beatbox and rap, will unveil the boundless talents of these representatives of a generation in flux.

The programme includes:

  • Bimbimma & MC ErgenR (rap): members of the legendary Albanian group urbaNRoots
  • Bozko (visual arts): Bulgarian graffiti artists will decorate a Brussels façade with colourful creations- 17th-22nd April
  • MAKY (slam): Belgian urban poet writing militant verse
  • NK (slam): Belgian slam championship finalist
  • Benji Horvath (slam): Romanian poet of Hungarian origin
  • Primitiv (beatbox): Belgian beatbox champion & SkilleR (beatbox): Bulgarian world beatbox champion

The Urban Chapter is a project created in collaboration with Lezarts Urbains.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS