SoundImageCulture (SIC)


4 Dec.'18
- 19:00

In the presence of the director

« My grandfather Wilhelm is a former Wehrmacht soldier. I filmed him since my adolescence. After his death, I opened a box of memories of World War II that he never had shown anybody. In pictures of him as a young child to others of him a frontline soldier, something is deconstructed. Smiles disappear; soldier’s gazes become haggard. What had I questioned him about that past? This is a movie on remembering by means of performative storytelling. It interweaves micro-stories from a grandfather and a granddaughter, constellating artefacts from the family archive.  These assemblies launch a scavenger hunt in the Belgian landscape of contemporary war reenactments, questioning historical scripts that echo into our dealing with the contemporary world. » – Julia Clever

Film developed in the framework of Sound Image Culture.

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS

Ein haschen nach wind (Julia Clever, BE, 2018, 60', German, French, English, French subtitles)