Arty Farty Brussels

‘Towards a unified European migration policy?’

7 Oct.'21
- 18:00

Arty Farty, which organizes European Lab Brussels, is involved in a European cooperation, gathering 5 partners (Feltrinelli Foundation, SOS Racismo, Agora Europe, Amel, Arty Farty), on the issue of ‘the narration of migrations’: how to produce inspiring, even positive, but realistic narratives on migrations allowing to counteract security psychosis and identity withdrawal?
Seven events punctuate this cooperation, and at each step, they allow to address an issue related to the host city or territory. In Brussels, the main seat of the European institutions, the aim is to understand the compromises of the European Union's migration policy.  

Since the Treaty of Amsterdam, the European Union has been committed to developing a migration policy. In recent years, the interdependence created by the single market and freedom of movement, combined with a series of unprecedented migration crises, most notably in 2015 with the influx of Syrian refugees, has made it necessary for the EU to become involved in this policy area.
The reception of Afghan refugees fleeing the Taliban is reviving this highly sensitive topic in the EU, which still cannot reach a consensus to reform its asylum system.
What are the trade-offs that EU policymakers face when dealing with this migration issue? What solidarity can the EU implement in the management of humanitarian crises? The objective of this roundtable is to understand the issues, blockages and proposals around a unified European migration policy.

Marie Walter-Franke, Researcher on EU asylum and migration policies at The Jacques Delors Center in Berlin (DE)
Sara Prestianni, MigrEurope (BE)
Sulaiman Adonnia, writer, BE
Moderator: Elena Maximin, Le Grand Continent


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