‘Is there life on Mars ?’

27 Mar.'18
- 12:40

Cie What’s Up?!

Is there life on Mars?, the new creation by the What’s Up?! company, proposes a journey through the unsettling world of autism. The director Héloïse Meire spent a long time working with autistic individuals and those close to them to prepare this play that seeks to give them a voice. How to evoke their complex and multiple experiences that are so often misunderstood?  To take up this challenge, the work explores the autistic spectrum, not through words alone but also through a spectacularization in sound and vision, gradually taking us to a different perception of the real.

Performed by four remarkable actors, Is there life on Mars? constantly overthrows the codes we are familiar with, taking us to the very limits of our own ways of functioning. To more effectively evoke the world as experienced by the autistic.

Heloïse Meire
Cécile Hupin
set design
François Regout
Muriel Clairembourg
Jean-Michel d’Hoop
Léonore Frenois
Guillaume Istace
sound designer
Jérôme Dejean
lighting design
Matthieu Bourdon
video director

Secondary Education

Higher Education


Les Midis du Théâtre

Practical information



Rue Ravenstein 23 1000 BRUSSELS


  • French