
22 Sept. →
2 Oct.'16

Belgian Art in the Digital Age #1

 The Tendencies exhibition unites contrasting narratives of some of the most interesting and intriguing voices in Belgian arts.  Tendencies presents artworks that  ‘use’ or ‘comment upon’ the latest evolutions in science and technology. To establish a unique platform for the exchange of ideas from the area of contemporary art and science in a digital age will inspire the annual selection of six artists. By presenting Tendencies in the Center for Fine Arts, Tendencies has the ambition to narrow the historical rift between contemporary arts at large and different movements in media arts or hybrid arts. The title references the  Nove tendencije movements in the 1960s and 1970s in Zagreb , one of the first European initiatives that reflected upon ‘art as research’.

With Elias Heuninck, Jerry Galle, Dries Depoorter, Sébastian Lacomblez, Félix Luque & Damien Gernay, Frederik De Wilde

Practical information




  • Liedts-Meesen Foundation
  • Zebrastraat
  • White Circle