‘Tariq Ramadan - Johan Leman - Karl van den Broeck’

5 Dec.'15
- 19:30

Five years on from the Arab Spring

As part of the A Coloured View series of debates, 3 participants are coming to BOZAR to exchange their views on the relationship between Europe and the Muslim world.


Karl van den Broeck will introduce the Islamologist Tariq Ramadan. He will give his opinion on Islam in Europe and on the current situation. This will be followed by a discussion with Johan Leman, to abroad the diversity of points of view.


Tariq Ramadan is Professor of Islamic studies at Oxford University and advisor to the British government. The magazine Foreign Policy refers to him as one of today’s most influential thinkers. His ideas on a European Islam and his opinions about the conflicts in the Middle East make him a highly controversial figure.


Karl van den Broeck is a chief editor of Apache.be and coordinator of BOZAR AGORA.

Johan Leman is the former director of the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism, professor emeritus of Social and Cultural Anthropology and holder of the Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies at KU Leuven. He is also the president of Foyer, a regional integration centre located in Molenbeek.

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